
First World Problems, Are Not Problems!

Why do I hate and I complain about my car leather seats not getting warm in time or my iPhone charger cable or even when my house is too big for my wireless router to reach my phone from where I sleep.

Probably if I knew that some people out there can't even afford, can think of or even wish for some of these things I find myself complaining about I would just stop, just stop and think again.

I do hate it when my phone charger won't reach my bed or when I say no pickles or onion and they still give me pickles and onion, but I desire to stop and be thankful and say "No problem" because there are some people out there that what may seem a problem to me is not a problem for them.

But not so long after, I realise that the more I have, the more I want and the less I appreciate. So why do I get upset and moody when my present was not a MacBook Pro but a Sony Vaio?

Please, stop complaining and give thanks.

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